I am way behind in trying to keep up this blog. I seem to go in a bit of fits and starts and of course life does get in the way sometimes. I still have quite a bit to write up about in my reminiscing section as well as my weekend away hashing in New Jersey.
I am now trying to think about what all has kept me so busy and for the life of me can not figure it out! It just seems as if life does go on and some things get left behind and this blog seems to be one that has lagged behind the rest. I suppose what I should do is actually set aside some time to write a few words of witless wisdom each day.
I have been busy doing some gardening. I started most of my veggies from heritage seeds indoors. Some where under grow lights and the others just on the shelving in front of a south facing window. I am not sure what all happened but I seemed to have had quite a few ‘failures’ this time around. Early in April I put up my plastic greenhouse and watched the temperature in it. I had put in a thermometer that keeps track of the high and low temps so could see the fluctuations. Most of the time is was in the high teens and even into the high 20s during the day and single digits at night. I took the chance and put the veggies out in it and only on a couple of nights I had to bring them in. Even with some of the seeds not producing up to even 90% I still had enough to plant outside. Everything is in the ground now and I have some things growing hydroponically. It will be interesting to see the comparison between ground and water.
Bought some pansies from Costco and some are in the ground and some are in a hydroponic solution. Again mixed results with the hydro. Two buckets are growing very well and are a match for those in the ground. Two other buckets are not doing well at all. I am not sure if it is because the roots did not get right into the water at the start or I damaged them somehow. I have them in plastic ‘tubs’ but the water level is kept a little lower than it probably should be because there are some holes under the handles. What I should do is just go up to Home Hardware and get some silicone seal and fill the holes then add more water. That is an idea for this afternoon…….
I have six different types of tomatoes, 3 full size and 3 cherry. In total I have at least 30 plants in the ground as well as 6 growing hydroponically in plastic tubs. Have had one crop of hydro lettuce already and more is sprouting. Wendy just cut the tops off the lettuce and left the roots in the solution and new leaves are sprouting. Also have 6 beans in hydro.
I had to put up some chicken wire fencing around the raised bed because a little bunny was in and ate the tops off of all my beans, chomped quite a bit of all of the cabbage and lettuce.
We found out that the fish we thought that had disappeared before winter set in actually were still in the pond. Unfortunately, I didn’t put in the heater and unplugged the pump so the pond froze over our extremely cold winter. As things were warming up what did I notice but one of the bigger fish frozen in the ice. Fish do not survive being frozen so we lost all of the fish that we had for quite a few years. It was off to the fish warehouse and we got 24 ‘feeder’ goldfish as replacements. Feeder fish are a take a chance on them because they are simply breed as food for whatever wants to eat them. You take your chances on how many will survive. I know that we have lost at least two but these little devils are very shy and seem to always be hidden amongst the plant roots. Occasionally we will spot a few out in the open but as soon as they see us they scoot back under cover.
Have also been busy out at the farm, at least two trips a week to pick up eggs for our regular customers as well as getting another coop ready. The chickens have eaten all of the grass in the outdoor pen that we built last year so are moving them to a new coop and new outdoor run. Just about finished and hopefully will have them moved by the end of next week.
We also got another 32 day old chicks to replace the ones that the racoon got earlier in the year. Sixteen Black Sexlink and sixteen Barred Rock. Sadly two of the day olds did not make it to a week old. Both seemed to be the smallest of the group and these things can happen. Sadly it is all a part of life.
I had better be off to take down the greenhouse and put it back in storage until next Spring and then just may take a wander up to the store for some silicone and see what I can do with the hydro tubs.
Till next time.
I am now trying to think about what all has kept me so busy and for the life of me can not figure it out! It just seems as if life does go on and some things get left behind and this blog seems to be one that has lagged behind the rest. I suppose what I should do is actually set aside some time to write a few words of witless wisdom each day.
I have been busy doing some gardening. I started most of my veggies from heritage seeds indoors. Some where under grow lights and the others just on the shelving in front of a south facing window. I am not sure what all happened but I seemed to have had quite a few ‘failures’ this time around. Early in April I put up my plastic greenhouse and watched the temperature in it. I had put in a thermometer that keeps track of the high and low temps so could see the fluctuations. Most of the time is was in the high teens and even into the high 20s during the day and single digits at night. I took the chance and put the veggies out in it and only on a couple of nights I had to bring them in. Even with some of the seeds not producing up to even 90% I still had enough to plant outside. Everything is in the ground now and I have some things growing hydroponically. It will be interesting to see the comparison between ground and water.
Bought some pansies from Costco and some are in the ground and some are in a hydroponic solution. Again mixed results with the hydro. Two buckets are growing very well and are a match for those in the ground. Two other buckets are not doing well at all. I am not sure if it is because the roots did not get right into the water at the start or I damaged them somehow. I have them in plastic ‘tubs’ but the water level is kept a little lower than it probably should be because there are some holes under the handles. What I should do is just go up to Home Hardware and get some silicone seal and fill the holes then add more water. That is an idea for this afternoon…….
I have six different types of tomatoes, 3 full size and 3 cherry. In total I have at least 30 plants in the ground as well as 6 growing hydroponically in plastic tubs. Have had one crop of hydro lettuce already and more is sprouting. Wendy just cut the tops off the lettuce and left the roots in the solution and new leaves are sprouting. Also have 6 beans in hydro.
I had to put up some chicken wire fencing around the raised bed because a little bunny was in and ate the tops off of all my beans, chomped quite a bit of all of the cabbage and lettuce.
We found out that the fish we thought that had disappeared before winter set in actually were still in the pond. Unfortunately, I didn’t put in the heater and unplugged the pump so the pond froze over our extremely cold winter. As things were warming up what did I notice but one of the bigger fish frozen in the ice. Fish do not survive being frozen so we lost all of the fish that we had for quite a few years. It was off to the fish warehouse and we got 24 ‘feeder’ goldfish as replacements. Feeder fish are a take a chance on them because they are simply breed as food for whatever wants to eat them. You take your chances on how many will survive. I know that we have lost at least two but these little devils are very shy and seem to always be hidden amongst the plant roots. Occasionally we will spot a few out in the open but as soon as they see us they scoot back under cover.
Have also been busy out at the farm, at least two trips a week to pick up eggs for our regular customers as well as getting another coop ready. The chickens have eaten all of the grass in the outdoor pen that we built last year so are moving them to a new coop and new outdoor run. Just about finished and hopefully will have them moved by the end of next week.
We also got another 32 day old chicks to replace the ones that the racoon got earlier in the year. Sixteen Black Sexlink and sixteen Barred Rock. Sadly two of the day olds did not make it to a week old. Both seemed to be the smallest of the group and these things can happen. Sadly it is all a part of life.
I had better be off to take down the greenhouse and put it back in storage until next Spring and then just may take a wander up to the store for some silicone and see what I can do with the hydro tubs.
Till next time.