Seeing as how I said that I would try and post something every day even if there is not much to report. Well that is what has happened today.
The snow is still on the ground and it is cold. Not as cold as it is going to get but still quite chilly.
Not even much to update on the renovations. Things are in the downward spiral as far as work goes. The painters finished up today but no photos. The colours just don’t show up as well. The foreman has also been doing a bit of the minor work, installed the vanity in the mud room bathroom and the vanity in the new bathroom in the basement.
The granite countertop was supposed to be delivered and installed tomorrow but because of a supply problem the manufacturer can not deliver it. Consequently that is on hold but it should only be a week. Because the granite can not be delivered I believe that has put the splash tiles on hold as well. It only takes one thing to put the chain of events behind schedule. The Revelstoke project manager is not impressed. Carpet is still scheduled to be delivered and installation started tomorrow.
Missed the OH3 hash run this evening for personal reasons - namely the cold. I think I really am turning into a fair-weather hasher. Although I should be back at it next week.
The snow is still on the ground and it is cold. Not as cold as it is going to get but still quite chilly.
Not even much to update on the renovations. Things are in the downward spiral as far as work goes. The painters finished up today but no photos. The colours just don’t show up as well. The foreman has also been doing a bit of the minor work, installed the vanity in the mud room bathroom and the vanity in the new bathroom in the basement.
The granite countertop was supposed to be delivered and installed tomorrow but because of a supply problem the manufacturer can not deliver it. Consequently that is on hold but it should only be a week. Because the granite can not be delivered I believe that has put the splash tiles on hold as well. It only takes one thing to put the chain of events behind schedule. The Revelstoke project manager is not impressed. Carpet is still scheduled to be delivered and installation started tomorrow.
Missed the OH3 hash run this evening for personal reasons - namely the cold. I think I really am turning into a fair-weather hasher. Although I should be back at it next week.