Most of the first set of seeds that I planted early in March have sprouted and I topped up the ones that didn’t. Have been doing more planting and trying a few ‘experiments’. A couple of the experiments are trying to pre-start carrots and beets and transplant once it is safe to do that. I started them in egg cartons. Because each of the cells is the correct distant apart after thinning I so should be able to just put the whole thing in the ground.
Have been moving all the sprouted seedlings into the greenhouse and then back into the house at night. Most nights the temperature dips to near zero and a couple of nights below. I am tending to be a little cautious which is probably the safest thing to do.
This Covid-19 virus certainly has the world in an uproar. So many restrictions to try and keep the populations safe. Here in Ontario and Ottawa we are all supposed to self-isolate, all nonessential stores and services are closed, which includes parks and the community gardens. Although we are allowed to go for walks, runs, and other outdoor exercises we are not supposed to be in groups larger than two and to maintain a 1 metre distance (6 foot). When shopping only a limited number of people are allowed in the store. Line up before entering maintaining the 1 metre distance and as one person exits one is allowed in. Yes only one person in a family - no more family outings to the grocery or department stores.
People over 70 are encouraged to abide by all the rules and limit any outdoor activity, especially shopping, to the minimum. Heather is adamant that Wendy and I abide by those rules and either she or Hareth does the grocery shopping. If Heather does the shopping Wendy stays in the car with the baby.
The Ontario government has now set up on-line teaching so the children don’t miss to much school. There are set amounts of time that different grades are supposed to do each week.
All of this could really be a bit of a downer and I strongly suspect that it is having negative effects on some people. So far we are coping with it and not finding it stressful. I think the most stressful part is knowing that you are not supposed to allowed to do certain things. Not doing them on your own is one thing but not being allowed to do them is another.
The May weekend running events have been cancelled and still no word on what is going to be done to take their place. I shouldn’t complain to much because my training certainly has taken a down turn. I was out on Monday for a bit of a run and at the start kind of twisted my ankle a little bit. Yesterday it was really sore and painful to walk. Today it isn’t as bad but still a little sore. Just another excuse to not go running today. We are supposed to get snow or rain sometime tonight and tomorrow so that is another day of no running. Lots of excuses… Now I really do need excuses to get my bum back in gear and get at it.
08 APRIL 2020 15:35 08 April 2020
WORLD 1,486,851 1,082,034 87,341
CANADA 18,855 13,895 427
ONTARIO 5,276 3,300 174
USA 414,867 378,134 14,141
Ottawa at 17:00 07 April
403 6
Note: these statistics are constantly being updated.
President Trump of the USofA is still not taking any responsibility of his delay in recognizing the depth of this pandemic. He has also tried to halt export of essential personal protection equipment (PPE) to other countries. This has brought much condemnation to his policies. While maintaining his "America First" election promise it has backfired even in the US. The man just does not understand how the whole world works and how intertwined manufacturing is. Some of the major broadcasters are no longer airing his speeches because of the number of falsehoods and outright mis-information they contain. Often times the complete opposite of what his experts and science are saying.