Yesterday went and got a 50 litre tub to make a hydroponic setup for the beans that are growing in pots.
Toady transplanted the beans and after taking almost all of the soil off of the roots put them into 2" hydro-cups and filled with perlite. Now have 8 beans and 2 basil in this hydro system. Again it is a full Krakty enclosed system. Also have one bean and one very small basil to use as a control group for comparison. I was afraid that this tub which out weigh about 120 lbs when filled with water would be to heavy for the rack so I put the tub in the hallway and hopefully it will get enough light from the window.
Control bean & basil Hydro beans & basil - same height as
Toady transplanted the beans and after taking almost all of the soil off of the roots put them into 2" hydro-cups and filled with perlite. Now have 8 beans and 2 basil in this hydro system. Again it is a full Krakty enclosed system. Also have one bean and one very small basil to use as a control group for comparison. I was afraid that this tub which out weigh about 120 lbs when filled with water would be to heavy for the rack so I put the tub in the hallway and hopefully it will get enough light from the window.
Control bean & basil Hydro beans & basil - same height as