Thursday dawned bright and sunny and I was off on my, more or less, daily jog around the neighbourhood.
After breakfast and doing my 'daily morning routine' (more later) I was dragged off shopping at Costco. Once back, it was a light snack and then off outside to get caught up on some of the work that needed to be done. I took out the filter of the pump in the pond to get it ready for the winter. With the filter out and the pump still working, in the past, it has kept the pond ice free. Then it was pulling the tomato plants, digging up three of the raised beds and spreading the chicken manure that I brought in from the farm. Also tied up the roses in the backyard (did the front yesterday) and they should be able to withstand any winter winds.
At last it was time for supper so there I was BBQing a steak and baked potatoes while Wendy was cooking up the mushrooms and brussel sprouts. With no dessert :( I tried to make some fudge but so far I don't think it turned out all that well. When reading the recipies for chocolate fudge it says to let it cool and then beat it until it begins to stiffen. With this recipe there were no instructions to beat it so I just poured it into the pan. I think the beating does stiffen it up so will have to try that next time.
Well that is it for now...